The old adage is ‘do unto others as you would have them do unto you’. As far as manners are concerned, this is sound advice. However experience has taught me otherwise. Outside of general courtesy, you should actually treat others the way they DESIRE to be treated. What may be good and necessary for you may not be good and necessary for another person.
Having said THAT, J. Cheree (as a brand and as a person) goes beyond those thoughts…Extending to you what you desire, what is good and necessary for you and also NO LESS than what would be given as its own client . My personal standard is 5 Star Triple Platinum Service for personal endeavors. If I desire exceptional service in my personal life, you deserve the same exceptional service from my professional life!
So, as my client prepares for her Deep Chocolate Massage (which includes a glass of champagne and chocolate truffles) and Spa Pedicure at The Four Seasons this week, know that she is engaging in both what she desires and deserves and no less than that which I would give myself. J. Cheree Bridal is not just what I do, it…IS…Me! (not only the President, I’m a client ;-)) #luxelife